April Fools

I just had an April Fools prank pulled on me on YouTube. I clicked on what I thought was a video from the popular YouTube star, “Hot For Words,” but instead the link took me to a music video I hadn’t seen since I was a kid. The video was the classic 80’s Rick Astley tune, “Never Gonna Give You Up.” It was a really good prank on YouTube’s part, given that today is April Fool’s Day.

In just a few hours, I will be headed back to work after my mini-vacation. Of course, I am not looking forward to it. It is dwelling like a pit in the bottom of my stomach. But it was a very good few days off. Now I have got to figure out when to take my next day off or even my vacation.

I do have some bad news. This is the last blog that I will be putting on this site.

Just kidding. April Fools. Ha, ha.