
What the cat said.

What the cat said.

Well here we are. The last day of 2008. And what better way to end the year than with another snowstorm to annoy me. But instead of getting into another rant about how bad the snow’s been here in Central New York, I’m going to do another retropective on the year 2008.

The year 2008 has been a really historic and important year. For one thing, America elected Barack Obama as the first-ever black President of the United States but it’s not just the fact that he was elected. The whole election campaign was also a major historic event because of the fact that it also had a female vice-presidential candidate that was more or less reviled by the world. Also in 2008 news, “The Dark Knight” dominated the box office thanks largely to the late Heath Ledger as the Joker (may he rest in peace); and how about that Michael Phelps, eh? And it ends on a pretty high note because we finally saw OJ Simpson go to jail for armed robbery and kidnapping.

For me, other than the fact that I officially took my Internet life to the next level and started making YouTube videos, the year was more or less uneventful. Even as this year ends, I officially have 320 subscribers on YouTube and growing. I also added Facebook and Twitter to my Internet list. I also have obtained a side job with the Historical Society mowing their lawn and shoveling them out. Speaking of the Historical Society, my book is now officially on permanent hold because I found out about another book that is being written that pretty much parallels what I’m doing. I may decide instead to do a video for YouTube.

As far as 2009 goes, I have really high hopes that it will be my breakout year on the Internet, especially on YouTube. I have several goals I hope to accomplish there but perhaps the biggest goal I would like to achieve next year is that I want to get partnership on YouTube so I can start making money on my videos. As far as what directions I want to go with my videos, I have a variety of ideas that I want to try out, like maybe do some videos that are based on what I write here on this blog and I might do a tutorial video because I had received some comments that asked me for advice about how to make cat videos. Besides, I hear that tutorial videos do really well on YouTube.

Tonight is probably the worst night for me to work, especially since tonight is New Year’s Eve and usually you’re supposed to be with a loved one or with a new relationship instead of being at work. Tonight is really going to suck. Hopefully that will change next year.

Snowy Reception

The 1834 Jail during the snowstorm this morning.

The 1834 Jail during the snowstorm this morning.

Last night, we had the first major snow storm of the winter season and it continued well into the morning. We got about 8 inches of snow between last night and this morning. I was shovelling for most of the morning after I got home from work. I had to shovel out both here and at the Historical Society. However, they were closed probably because of the weather so I probably won’t get paid until tomorrow. I did manage to snap some pics of the storm while I was shovelling at the Historical Society and I submitted three of them to WKTV’s YouNews website. WKTV, based in Utica, is the local TV channel in this area and the only channel I get at my house.

Lately, I have been spending quite a bit of time on Twitter, which is basically a site where you write little blurbs about what you’re doing so that your friends can follow you. I joined that site basically to follow all of my favorite YouTubers and I actually enjoy that site very much that I spend every day on it posting my little blurbs and including links to this site as well as the Cat A Day site whenever I post a blog entry. In fact I managed to link my Twitter site with my Facebook site so whenever I make an update on Twitter, it will also appear as a Facebook update.

And another thing that has been bugging me. Lately the computer has been acting up quite a bit. Every so often it basically blinks in and out and I get these popups saying please activate your Antivirus. It gets pretty annoying especially when you’re trying to do something like writing this blog. In fact it did it again just now. I hope that this gets resolved soon.