Last Night Indy Saved My Life

He's back, everyone!

He’s back, everyone!

Hey, everyone. I just wanted to stop in really quick to post my latest entry. Nothing really went on during the week aside from the fact that I went to see the new “Indiana Jones” movie and that was the major highlight of this past week.

I arrived at the theater in Little Falls at 6:15 that night for the 7:00 showing and as it was with “Transformers”, I was able to get there ahead of the crowd. However, unlike “Transformers,” this was the second night that the movie was in theaters so I wasn’t the first one to plunk down money to see it. It did draw a huge crowd, most notably nostalgia-seekers who grew up on the original three movies like I did.

And my verdict on the latest movie, which is set in the 50’s, is that the movie was excellent. It definitely lives up to the hype that it is one of the summer’s biggest movies and it definitely is a worthy addition to the whole saga, especially for the die-hard fans who grew up on Indy such as myself. I am sort of bummed that it is getting some bad reviews especially when it debuted at Cannes last week. I thought that while it wasn’t as good as “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” it was definitely on par with “Last Crusade” and worlds better than “Temple of Doom.”

Today, I got to go to some more yard sales and I got some more clothes. There wasn’t really too much selection. I went to one in Herkimer, two in Mohawk, and one in Ilion. Actually, Herkimer is going to be having a village-wide yard sale in June. I also tried to put in for vacation time from work for the third week in June. I hope that I put the request in before they made the schedule up. And I do believe they approved my request for a personal day on August 4 so I can go see that play in Ilion that day.

This week on my to-do list includes deciding to put up a live video either today or tomorrow. I think I’ll do a movie review.

Oh, yeah, by the way. Indy didn’t literally save my life. I just decided to put that as an interesting title.

Days Of My Life

And here’s my second blog for the day. Haven’t done a double feature in a while. I think that the last time was on my other site on Yahoo before I ended that site and came here. While my last entry had to deal with my latest addition to this site, this one has to do with what I have been doing the last two weeks, so anyway, here we go.

First off, I am at HCCC for the second day in a row and probably my last for at least a week because it’s supposed to snow over the weekend starting tonight, which really sucks. This is the first time I have been able to blog on here up at HCCC in a while because for some reason I could never get past the logging-in phase until I decided to comment on someone’s blog here on Blogger. I originally planned to go see “Transformers” here at HCCC because it is playing here today (right now as a matter of fact), but since I already have the DVD, I might as well not. I have some CD’s I have to return to the other library shortly after I’m done here. I have to renew some of ’em because I haven’t yet copied them to my laptop at home.

Yesterday, I had some splendid luck. After months of needless aggravation in trying to fix my profile on Myspace because a lot of my links were not working, I am pleased to report that I have finally got my Myspace back in working order so now people can view my pics as well as send me messages and friend invites and all that good stuff.

Now that it is November, it is starting to get colder. It snowed a couple of days last week but there was no accumilation except on the cars. Some days I walk home from the library and I am freezing so bad that I don’t want to go anywhere else except into my nice warm couch. My bed’s no good and I am trying to get rid of it. It’s coffee and cappuccino weather at last. And unfortunately, November also means that in two weeks, it’s going to be another Black Friday for me, my sixth since starting at Wally World. And since it’s on a Friday, I am probably going to miss out on the pizza they usually have afterwards because I’m off. But on the plus side, there’s also Thanksgiving.

Over the weekend, I went to the Ilion Little Theater Club’s latest play, “The 1940’s Radio Music Hour.” As I did when I went to the last play back in August, I went alone, but still it was really fun. It is actually a musical set during the old days of radio and it was really great to hear all the old 40’s tunes and radio commercials. I really had a great time there and I am glad I went. I am planning to go back next Saturday night. Hopefully it won’t snow too bad.

Once again, I have two more days to go and then I am off from work. The weekends are usually the only thing I look forward to nowadays even though I don’t really have anything to do except work on my book, which I am trying desperately to get done by January so I can get it to the publisher. Hopefully soon, that’ll change. Everything changes. And here ends another chapter in the soap opera that is my life.

I Need A Vacation

Well, the 4th of July has come and gone. I didn’t really do anything much. I was originally planning to work on my book yesterday, but I was pretty tired when I got home from work so I spent the whole day in bed. Plus it was raining out when I got up and when I left for work. Good thing I had that raincoat that I got at Herkimer Garbage Day.

Tonight is my last night of work before I go on vacation from Wally World for nine whole days. Of course I still have to go in and get my check and I may have to get some food during that weekend, but other than that, I don’t really intend to go there during the whole week that I am off. I am probably not really going to do too much that day, except for going to HCCC for my Internetting, and then to the Historical Society to do some much-needed work on my book. I am pretty close to the point where I can actually send something in to a publisher through the ‘Net. I just have a couple more things that I need to do first.

The main reason that I decided on July 8-12 to take my vacation was because of the fact that July 11 is the day that Grace Brown died. I guess in a way, I still feel guilty for not being there for her when it counted because of a remodelling thing that was going on at Wally World that summer. Because of that, I missed a memorial for her up at Big Moose Lake on that date because it was the 100th anniversary of her death. Even though I still can’t go up there this year, mainly because of money reasons, I am still going to take that week off. And by the way, the book I am writing is about her.

I guess I should now backtrack and let you know what had been going on pre-4th. Last weekend, my sister and her boyfriend went out on a rock-collecting trip to Connecticut so I had to take care of the dogs again. They came back late Sunday night, but by then I was already at work. Then on Monday night, the big day arrived. I saw “Transformers.” It was really awesome. I got there about eighty minutes before the movie began so I could beat the crowds there and that turned out to be excellent planning on my part. I am now really glad that I knew about this weeks in advance so I could take a personal day off from work to go see it.

Of course on the 3rd, they had the fireworks display. Of course I couldn’t see it because that was when I had to go back to work. Then when I came back, they thought that I had actually started my vacation when I only took a personal day. No way. The vacation actually starts the minute I get out of work tomorrow morning. I can’t wait.


I have always been a diehard fan of Batman. He is my second all-time favorite superhero (behind Spider-Man of course.) I have a huge collection of Batman comics which I have collected back in high school. I grew up on the 60’s TV series as well as the 90’s cartoon series, which I still have some of the tapes from. I have also seen and own all of the movies. And, when I was 11 years old, I got to be behind the wheel of the Batmobile. This was back in 1989, when the first “Batman” movie was the biggest movie of that year and Batmania was at its peak.

The event where I got behind the wheel of the 60’s Batmobile took place at a local mall near where I grew up. This car is the third most recognized car in TV history (behind the General Lee and the Gran Torino from “Starsky and Hutch.”) When I got behind the wheel of the Batmobile, I felt like I was in heaven.

So why am I blogging about this? Well, last night at work, I was putting up some Hot Wheels cars at work last night and one of the new Hot Wheels cars I put up was the Batmobile from the 60’s TV series. So on my last break, I bought two of them. It brought the memories back.

So anyway, it is official. Monday, July 2, I am officially going to see “Transformers.” I am going to the same theater where I saw “The Matrix Reloaded” and “Dukes of Hazzard.” Either way, it is definitely going to be good. I can hardly wait.

Taking Care Of Business

Well, today is June 28. That means that it has officially been ten years since I graduated from Red Hook High School. At first I thought I had missed it, but instead it kind of crept up on me like a thief in the night. So far I have not heard anything from anyone I went to school with on Myspace, nor have I had any friend invites from anyone from my class, nor have I heard anything about when they are planning to have the reunion. Of course, I am still not interested in going because I will probably be voted “Least Changed Since High School,” being that I still have no girlfriend and I still can’t drive, so it is probably best that I don’t go anyways.

Anyway, I have only been to HCCC twice this week. I only went on Monday and yesterday. Tuesday I had to mail something out to someone and I had to buy postage because one of the items I was mailing was a package. And I am off from there today. The main reason for this is that I have to get some much-needed work on my book done, not to mention that I won’t be up there Fridays because the library is closed on Fridays for the summer. Next week, I won’t be able to go back until Tuesday because next Monday, I am planning to see “Transformers,” which was why I took a personal day off from work, and both libraries are closed for the 4th of July so I will have a lot more time to work on my book, not to mention that I am going to be on vacation the following week. So I’ll have to wait until Tuesday to see what’s been happening on Myspace and Cupid.

I am going to be one busy bee the next couple of weeks.