One Year Closer to 40

Well, here I am. 39 years old. One year closer to 40.

However, before I get to that I should get this little bit of news out of the way first. First up, I am happy to report that I officially made my main website on WordPress into a dot-com site and just in time for the site’s tenth anniversary next month. In fact, on Valentine’s Day I was finally able to enable ads on my site because when you get a domain name on WordPress you have the option to monetize your site which is what I have wanted to do for a long time.

In other words, my website is now officially known as So now I am even closer to my dream of turning my online life into a full-fledged career.

The thing about birthdays is that the older I get, the more I start to reflect on my life as it was before I got to this point. And I feel like I made quite a bit of progress in the last few years, especially in the last few days starting with when I got my degree in the mail last week and now with me officially upgrading my site to a dot-com site. That while I feel like there’s more I could do, I feel like I am in a pretty good spot right now.

Unfortunately, I ended up coming down with a pretty bad cold for my birthday which even as I write this I am getting over. Add that to the fact that it’s been snowing pretty hard all week and you can tell that it wasn’t really a good week. But I can’t really complain though, especially with my big accomplishment this week.

I have actually started to uphold one of the resolutions I have made at the beginning of the year and that is the fact that as of a few weeks ago, I have started to quit the online dating biz by deleting my profiles on various dating sites. I started by deleting my profile on Zoosk which is a Facebook dating app three weeks ago. And last week I have officially deleted my profile on OKCupid which now leaves Plenty of Fish (which I did quit a while back but went back because I originally wanted to do a video on it as kind of a social experiment) and left. It’s a slow process because once again my relationship with online dating is the fact that it’s kind of like an itch you can’t help but scratch but it looks like they will be going soon.

And there you go, that’s pretty much what has been going on the last couple of weeks. I filmed a new episode of Blackcatloner Reviews before coming to the library today and I’ll be getting back to work on new videos again this week.

The Big 3-0

Well, last Tuesday was a big milestone for me. As of that Tuesday (February 12), I am now officially the big 3-0. That’s right, I am now 30 years old. It pretty much means a lot of things, but the biggest meaning of all is that the best years of my life are now behind me, or they could be just beginning. It all depends on your point of view.

The night before my birthday, I was able to take a personal day off from work. It was pretty much a good thing I did too. The weather that day was not very good and it was very cold that day, not to mention the fact that if I had gone to work that night and my co-workers had found out about my birthday, they probably would have announced it over the PA and you know how that can be. So in other words, I was pretty smart to take a personal day.

Prior to my birthday, I had been spending some time at the other library because of the weather and other things. I also have taken a “side job” of sorts by shoveling snow for the Historical Society on days when it snows, so that gives me a little extra money a week. I also used the personal day to get some more work done on my book because I really need to get that done and that pretty much ties in with the fact that I have in fact gotten older. I just don’t want to look back on my life and regret not having been able to do things I wanted to do, and there are other things besides write my book that I haven’t done yet but want to do.

The Same Old Grind

So far not much has been happening from this neck of the woods. I am at HCCC tonight and it is about an hour and a half before I go to work. Since the weather held out today, I figured that today would be a good day to come up and have some more fun on the ol’ web before going back to the grind.

It’s pretty hard to come up with new material since nothing really has been going on, so I figured that I would come up with something relatively different. I am now officially three weeks away from the big 3-0. I decided to take another personal day off from work on February 11. Hopefully, I got it.

Well, I have quite a bit going on in February aside from the fact that I am turning 30 this year. I also have to attend a book signing at the Historical Society on the 23rd in connection with the recent release of the book based on Chester Gillette’s diary. You can read more about that on the “Chester and Grace” site.

And then I’m also probably going to be doing the Heart Run again this year in Utica. I have been receiving some things for it in the mail. I should have more details on that soon. Yessiree, I have a whole lot going on, not to mention the fact that I have to get my book finished. I am pretty close to the end as far as that goes and I am still aiming to get that done and out by sometime this year.