My Life as a College Student

Well, it’s been a while since I was last here so I figure I’d come back and reconnect with everyone. The last time I posted, I was just starting college and now I have just made it through the middle of the semester. So far I am happy to report that things have been going really well. I am doing well in all of my classes. I’m actually starting to feel like a college student.

One of the things I found out is that there is always something to do on campus. Not a day goes by that there isn’t something going on while I am on campus. I also have found the time practically every day to go to the gym there being that I have access. Unfortunately, since I am not a gym student (at least not this semester,) I can’t use their nice fitness center. However, I do have access to their weight room (which looks like a power lifter’s gym) and that is pretty awesome. I also have access to their track where I can walk around and stuff. That’s pretty awesome.

They also show movies here, mainly movies that are fresh out of the theater yet have not found their way to DVD. And it’s free too. That’s really awesome. I actually saw a movie on campus during Fall Fest (A Place in the Sun) and I am planning to go tonight since I am on vacation from work again. Tonight I am going to see both “Hangover” movies. I have never seen the original “Hangover” and since they’re both playing tonight, I figure that now would be as good a time as any to go see it.

However, there is a bit of a downside, mainly in the social department. I found that being a 33-year-old man in a crowd of students who are 15 years younger than you actually feels a bit awkward. Yet I’m trying to make the best of it like I do any situation. It’s still kinda hard I gotta admit.

But all in all, I am still glad I made the decision to go back to school while I still can, mainly because I’m sick of being stuck in neutral. It’s actually time to make something of myself and move forward. I will continue to keep you posted on any new developments.
