Constant Whitewater

Okay, I am going to start this off by saying that I can’t believe that it’s October already. Wow, 2010 is now less than three months away. It’s like, where did 2009 go? I missed about two months of blogging mainly because of the fact that I have so much going on in my life right now, both online as well as off.

In many ways, while I got a sudden spike of creativity as far as my YouTube career goes. In the last two months alone, I put my channel through so many changes, mainly taking down some videos that either didn’t attract too many comments or videos I felt could be done better, such as the video I shot at Ilion Little Theater back in March and the Walk in the Park video. I originally intended for the latter video to be my first HD video. I have since reposted both.

Also I figured I try my hand at news reporting by doing a series of news videos that I called “The Black Cat Weekly,” but that turned out to be a disaster. First off, it got more and more difficult to get news stories that I could do a video about, not to mention that the videos brought the haters out in record droves. I didn’t expect to be that badly received as far as that goes. However, I have decided to adopt other YouTuber’s methods and attack the haters in reply comments, because it’s pretty fun to do because they’re a group of losers who either don’t do videos and are only on there to cause trouble or they’re a group who have only a handful of videos and have very few or no friends or subscribers.

Now don’t take this the wrong way. Just because I stopped doing the news videos doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop making videos or give up on YouTube like very few people do. I’m too well established on YouTube for that. Plus there are other factors than that at work. I have been meeting more and more people online, not to mention people sending me IM requests and app invites on Facebook to keep up with them all. It’s like constant whitewater for me. It does get overwhelming after a while.

In some ways, YouTube and Twitter have led to me not being able to blog so much, mainly because it is starting to get easier for me to make videos and Twitter is basically the in thing for bloggers, not to mention some personal things I am going through right now. So I have to get back into the habit of blogging again because that was how I got started on the web.

But on the bright side, October is a pretty big month for me, most notably the fact that at the end of the month is my three-year anniversary on YouTube. Clearly something to look forward to. But for now, I just wanted to touch base with everyone to show that I am still committed to this blog.